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How to Drive More Conversions on the Social Sales Funnel

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In our previous blog, we discussed the challenges within the social conversion funnel and how it’s broken. 

Then, we also discussed how this broken social funnel causes bounce and its impact on the eCommerce brand’s bottom line. 

In this blog, we’ll explore how brands can navigate the complexities of social media to drive more conversions within the social sales funnel. 

Let’s dive right in! 

How to make the social sales funnel work? 

We’re at a point when most buying stuff online begins with social media. But, the way we've been thinking about this journey, the traditional sales funnel might need a fresh look. 

Usually, the funnel expects people to start at the homepage, check out the brand, maybe explore a category, pick a product, and then land on the Product Detail Page to decide. It's like a path that nudges you to the 'add to cart' button, keeping things focused. 

However, this doesn't quite fit when people skip the homepage and category pages, jumping straight to the product details. 

Social media complicates things because, in a single picture, there could be multiple things catching your eye. Imagine trying to sell a sneaker on Instagram, but there's also a cool shirt, nice pants, and a cap in the picture. Different choices, right? 

Directing social traffic straight to product pages doesn't work great. Imagine you're eager to sell that sneaker, but the page only shows that shirt, not the other cool stuff in the ad. So, for social visitors, it's a bit like being at a crossroads: buy or bounce. If someone has a different idea, there aren't many options, and most end up bouncing away. 

So, how do we make this social sales journey work? That's the puzzle we're here to solve. 

1. Focus on landing experience 

When people are shopping online, they usually prefer to do it on the brand's own website, not within a social network. So, getting customers to your e-commerce site is the way to go. 

But here's the trick: you need to offer social traffic a comfy landing spot. It's like welcoming them to a familiar place, with lots of social content and easy navigation to other cool stuff they might like – basically, more of what made them click on the ad or post in the first place. 

Here's the catch – don't just send them to product or category pages directly. Most folks will just bounce off from there. Product pages can be too specific, and category pages, while better, have their own issue. Imagine having to scroll through a bunch of tiny pictures, trying to figure out which one you saw on social media, using completely different images. This is one of the biggest reasons why customers bounce. 

So, what do brands do? Well, they could create special landing pages, tweak product pages for each promotion (a bit time-consuming, though), or explore something new called Campaign Stores, which we'll get into later. It's about making that first step for your visitors smooth, easy, and inviting. 

2. Social home page 

Making it easy for people to find things they saw on social media is a bit of a challenge. So, here's a solution – think of it as a 'social home page.' It's like a cozy corner for customers where they can easily rediscover the products that caught their eye in the first place. 

Load this special page with all the latest campaigns, using the same cool pictures you used in the ads, making it easy to scan through and find that specific post or ad your customers are looking for. 

Now, why is this page so crucial? Well, it acts like a guide, allowing your customers to jump back into the shopping journey. Click on a campaign, and you'll land on a page that has the same theme, with an option to buy the showcased product, explore more, or check out other exciting campaigns. 

And guess what? Being able to navigate back to this social home page is key. 

Brands often direct traffic from their social 'link in bio' to this page. It's not just for social traffic; it works wonders for different channels too. 

For example, if your emails have high open rates but low click-through rates, linking to your social home page can re-engage customers. You can even link it directly from your website, helping visitors rediscover that post that caught their eye and kick-starting their journey into the social sales funnel. 

Now, here's a tip – it's better to host this social home page on a subdomain like rather than a third-party domain. It adds a layer of trust and authenticity, something that social shoppers often worry about. 

3. Retargeting 

Alright, let's talk about retargeting. Very few folks hit the "buy now" button in one go, and quite a chunk of those impulse purchases end up being regretted by customers. This is where retargeting comes in. 

Let’s say you clicked on a dazzling campaign image on social media. Now, when we retarget you, we don't show you a different-looking product image. We're sticking to the original campaign image that caught your eye. It's like saying, "Hey, we know what you liked, here it is again!" 

Now, we send our email subscribers a friendly remarketing email. Again, it features that same eye-catching campaign image – a surefire way to guide them back into the social funnel. And when we're retargeting via email, we tone down the ads elsewhere. Our research vouches for it – less bombardment, more conversion, and revenue

When customers land on your page, make it super easy for them to subscribe. Try to sweeten the deal with a newbie offer like '10% off your first purchase.' Then, in welcome emails, keep the vibe social-focused and throw in links to your landing page or social home. Let them know there's more good stuff coming your way! 

How to create great landing experiences for social traffic to convert into sales? 

Having laid the foundation for how to make a social sales funnel work, let's dive deep into how you can create impeccable landing experiences that seamlessly convert social traffic into sales. 

1. Make a visual connection 

Images are the superheroes of quick information processing. They capture attention at lightning speed. Use this power in your social sales funnel by maintaining visual consistency. 

When users click on a campaign image, they expect to find the same visuals on the landing page. This connection reassures them they've landed in the right spot, enhancing their shopping experience. 

But don't stop there – if your campaign image showcases multiple products, consider breaking it down on the landing page. Guide your visitors smoothly, ensuring a seamless transition between social platforms and your e-commerce site. And remember, optimize for mobile since the majority of social traffic happens on handheld devices. 

2. Make it easy to find and buy promoted products 

Don't let the simplicity slip away when it comes to helping visitors locate and purchase promoted products. Avoid the common pitfall of fixating on a single item in your ads. 

Instead, prioritize an easy journey for users to discover and buy all the featured products. Life is unpredictable, and sometimes, products go out of stock. In such cases, be resourceful – find the closest visual match in your product catalog. 

This ensures a frustration-free experience for your potential customers, maintaining a smooth and effective social sales funnel. 

3. Plan for multiple intents 

When it comes to social shopping, it's essential to acknowledge that not every visitor is ready to make an immediate purchase. Shift your mindset from a singular focus to accommodating multiple intents. 

While traditional conversion optimization suggests reducing distractions, social media users often stand at the beginning of their buying journey. Unlike typical landing pages, a diverse approach works better on social platforms. 

Balance the needs of those ready to buy with the explorers. Identify various products, categories, and intents, ensuring your landing page caters to all possibilities – a strategy that resonates well in the social space. 

4. No dead ends 

Prevent your visitors from feeling lost and bouncing off your page. Offer strategic navigation points that lead to relevant content, aligning with their interests. 

Make it a seamless experience – with just a click, they should access products, brand narratives, and engaging social content. The goal is to understand their preferences swiftly and deliver content that resonates. 

To avoid confusion, provide clear routes for them to circle back to the original landing point and explore further. 

Remember, it's more than a landing page; it's a Campaign Store – a powerful tool that transforms your customer acquisition dynamics. 

Drive more conversions with SimplicityDX 

SimplicityDX's Campaign Stores is your ultimate partner in seamlessly merging social engagement with commerce. 

These stores redefine the shopping experience, effortlessly meeting customers at the intersection of social media and e-commerce. 

Through deep integration, they swiftly compose immersive landing pages mirroring the attention-grabbing social content, ensuring visitors feel right at home. 

With the automatic inclusion of onward navigation and a hassle-free checkout flow, SimplicityDX empowers you to build impactful pages in minutes, driving incomparable success in your social sales funnel. 

Optimize your social sales funnel approach and increase your conversions with SimplicityDX. 

Book a demo today! 

How to Drive More Conversions on the Social Sales Funnel

December 16, 2023

In our previous blog, we discussed the challenges within the social conversion funnel and how it’s broken. 

Then, we also discussed how this broken social funnel causes bounce and its impact on the eCommerce brand’s bottom line. 

In this blog, we’ll explore how brands can navigate the complexities of social media to drive more conversions within the social sales funnel. 

Let’s dive right in! 

How to make the social sales funnel work? 

We’re at a point when most buying stuff online begins with social media. But, the way we've been thinking about this journey, the traditional sales funnel might need a fresh look. 

Usually, the funnel expects people to start at the homepage, check out the brand, maybe explore a category, pick a product, and then land on the Product Detail Page to decide. It's like a path that nudges you to the 'add to cart' button, keeping things focused. 

However, this doesn't quite fit when people skip the homepage and category pages, jumping straight to the product details. 

Social media complicates things because, in a single picture, there could be multiple things catching your eye. Imagine trying to sell a sneaker on Instagram, but there's also a cool shirt, nice pants, and a cap in the picture. Different choices, right? 

Directing social traffic straight to product pages doesn't work great. Imagine you're eager to sell that sneaker, but the page only shows that shirt, not the other cool stuff in the ad. So, for social visitors, it's a bit like being at a crossroads: buy or bounce. If someone has a different idea, there aren't many options, and most end up bouncing away. 

So, how do we make this social sales journey work? That's the puzzle we're here to solve. 

1. Focus on landing experience 

When people are shopping online, they usually prefer to do it on the brand's own website, not within a social network. So, getting customers to your e-commerce site is the way to go. 

But here's the trick: you need to offer social traffic a comfy landing spot. It's like welcoming them to a familiar place, with lots of social content and easy navigation to other cool stuff they might like – basically, more of what made them click on the ad or post in the first place. 

Here's the catch – don't just send them to product or category pages directly. Most folks will just bounce off from there. Product pages can be too specific, and category pages, while better, have their own issue. Imagine having to scroll through a bunch of tiny pictures, trying to figure out which one you saw on social media, using completely different images. This is one of the biggest reasons why customers bounce. 

So, what do brands do? Well, they could create special landing pages, tweak product pages for each promotion (a bit time-consuming, though), or explore something new called Campaign Stores, which we'll get into later. It's about making that first step for your visitors smooth, easy, and inviting. 

2. Social home page 

Making it easy for people to find things they saw on social media is a bit of a challenge. So, here's a solution – think of it as a 'social home page.' It's like a cozy corner for customers where they can easily rediscover the products that caught their eye in the first place. 

Load this special page with all the latest campaigns, using the same cool pictures you used in the ads, making it easy to scan through and find that specific post or ad your customers are looking for. 

Now, why is this page so crucial? Well, it acts like a guide, allowing your customers to jump back into the shopping journey. Click on a campaign, and you'll land on a page that has the same theme, with an option to buy the showcased product, explore more, or check out other exciting campaigns. 

And guess what? Being able to navigate back to this social home page is key. 

Brands often direct traffic from their social 'link in bio' to this page. It's not just for social traffic; it works wonders for different channels too. 

For example, if your emails have high open rates but low click-through rates, linking to your social home page can re-engage customers. You can even link it directly from your website, helping visitors rediscover that post that caught their eye and kick-starting their journey into the social sales funnel. 

Now, here's a tip – it's better to host this social home page on a subdomain like rather than a third-party domain. It adds a layer of trust and authenticity, something that social shoppers often worry about. 

3. Retargeting 

Alright, let's talk about retargeting. Very few folks hit the "buy now" button in one go, and quite a chunk of those impulse purchases end up being regretted by customers. This is where retargeting comes in. 

Let’s say you clicked on a dazzling campaign image on social media. Now, when we retarget you, we don't show you a different-looking product image. We're sticking to the original campaign image that caught your eye. It's like saying, "Hey, we know what you liked, here it is again!" 

Now, we send our email subscribers a friendly remarketing email. Again, it features that same eye-catching campaign image – a surefire way to guide them back into the social funnel. And when we're retargeting via email, we tone down the ads elsewhere. Our research vouches for it – less bombardment, more conversion, and revenue

When customers land on your page, make it super easy for them to subscribe. Try to sweeten the deal with a newbie offer like '10% off your first purchase.' Then, in welcome emails, keep the vibe social-focused and throw in links to your landing page or social home. Let them know there's more good stuff coming your way! 

How to create great landing experiences for social traffic to convert into sales? 

Having laid the foundation for how to make a social sales funnel work, let's dive deep into how you can create impeccable landing experiences that seamlessly convert social traffic into sales. 

1. Make a visual connection 

Images are the superheroes of quick information processing. They capture attention at lightning speed. Use this power in your social sales funnel by maintaining visual consistency. 

When users click on a campaign image, they expect to find the same visuals on the landing page. This connection reassures them they've landed in the right spot, enhancing their shopping experience. 

But don't stop there – if your campaign image showcases multiple products, consider breaking it down on the landing page. Guide your visitors smoothly, ensuring a seamless transition between social platforms and your e-commerce site. And remember, optimize for mobile since the majority of social traffic happens on handheld devices. 

2. Make it easy to find and buy promoted products 

Don't let the simplicity slip away when it comes to helping visitors locate and purchase promoted products. Avoid the common pitfall of fixating on a single item in your ads. 

Instead, prioritize an easy journey for users to discover and buy all the featured products. Life is unpredictable, and sometimes, products go out of stock. In such cases, be resourceful – find the closest visual match in your product catalog. 

This ensures a frustration-free experience for your potential customers, maintaining a smooth and effective social sales funnel. 

3. Plan for multiple intents 

When it comes to social shopping, it's essential to acknowledge that not every visitor is ready to make an immediate purchase. Shift your mindset from a singular focus to accommodating multiple intents. 

While traditional conversion optimization suggests reducing distractions, social media users often stand at the beginning of their buying journey. Unlike typical landing pages, a diverse approach works better on social platforms. 

Balance the needs of those ready to buy with the explorers. Identify various products, categories, and intents, ensuring your landing page caters to all possibilities – a strategy that resonates well in the social space. 

4. No dead ends 

Prevent your visitors from feeling lost and bouncing off your page. Offer strategic navigation points that lead to relevant content, aligning with their interests. 

Make it a seamless experience – with just a click, they should access products, brand narratives, and engaging social content. The goal is to understand their preferences swiftly and deliver content that resonates. 

To avoid confusion, provide clear routes for them to circle back to the original landing point and explore further. 

Remember, it's more than a landing page; it's a Campaign Store – a powerful tool that transforms your customer acquisition dynamics. 

Drive more conversions with SimplicityDX 

SimplicityDX's Campaign Stores is your ultimate partner in seamlessly merging social engagement with commerce. 

These stores redefine the shopping experience, effortlessly meeting customers at the intersection of social media and e-commerce. 

Through deep integration, they swiftly compose immersive landing pages mirroring the attention-grabbing social content, ensuring visitors feel right at home. 

With the automatic inclusion of onward navigation and a hassle-free checkout flow, SimplicityDX empowers you to build impactful pages in minutes, driving incomparable success in your social sales funnel. 

Optimize your social sales funnel approach and increase your conversions with SimplicityDX. 

Book a demo today! 

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