The Cost of a Bounce
The journey to the brand site from social is frequently a disconnected experience. As a result, the product detail page bounce rate is 70 - 90% and the conversion rate is 0.5%.
In The Cost of a Bounce we reveal the cost of an individual bounce and also the reasons and impact of a bounce on shoppers behaviour.

Download the Report to Learn!
- How frequently people shop on social media and their favored shopping channels
- Bounce rates and the reasons they bounce
- Impact of the bounce - how many return and how many are lost for good
- How many share this discontent with friends, on social or with the brand
- Advice from shoppers on how to stop them bouncing
- Best practice advice on how to improve your bounce rate, today.
Change the Maths of Marketing!
Learn how to change the maths of customer acquisition with shopper tips on how to stop them bouncing and best practice advice for social commerce and ecommerce marketers.

Watch the Summary Video
Ruth Peters, CMO at SimplictyDX Academy, summarizes the key findings from the latest research the Cost of a Bounce.